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NASA L'SPACE Mission Concept Academy

Mars Mission Preliminary Design Review


Our team was given 12 weeks to design a potential NASA mission to explore Martian caves, write a 150+ page Preliminary Design Review (PDR), and present the PDR to a panel of judges.


Team Accomplishments:

Based on customer provided design constraints such as budget, mass, and volume, our team:

  • Formulated mission goal and science objectives

  • Selected destination site on Martian surface according to data and images gathered through JMARS

  • Designed autonomous robotic exploration system

  • Selected heritage NASA science instruments

  • Created manufacturing, testing, calibration, and integration plan for each component

  • Outlined mission schedule including milestones, launch and arrival dates, and surface operations

  • Developed outreach program to engage public and establish support of the mission


My Roles on the Team:

  • Deputy Project Manager

  • Researcher/Scientist

  • Outreach Officer


The Mission Design:

Because the mission is the intellectual property belonging to our entire team, I am unable to fully disclose the mission design. A brief overview is provided here.

  • Mission Goal - Determine the habitability of Martian caves

  • Science Objectives:

    • Measure the amount of radiation shielding provided by cave roofs​

    • Characterize the temperature of cave interiors as compared to the surface

    • Characterize the level of humidity of cave interiors as compared to the surface

  • Robotic system - a legged design named "Caveman" with:

    • Command and Data Handling processing unit with autonomous capabilities​

    • Navigation & mobility sensors

    • Communication systems

    • Thermal Management systems

    • Power supply & distribution system

    • Science Instruments:

      • Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD); a heritage instrument from the 2012 Curiosity rover mission​

      • Autonomous Climatological Recording Equipment (ACRE); an adaption of the MEDA science suite from the 2020 Perseverance rover mission


Skills Learned:


    • Siemens NX CAD​

    • JMARS



    • Writing a Preliminary Design Review​

    • Defining Design Requirements

    • Identifying and Mitigating Risks, FMEA charts

    • Systems Interfaces and Integration

    • Block Charts and N^2 Charts

    • Gantt Charts and Time Management



    • Research​

    • Technical writing

    • Communication

    • Documentation

    • Delegation

    • Organization



    • Learn about each person from the very beginning. Learn their "why" for being in the program. This can help you, as a leader and fellow team member, ensure everyone's vision is fulfilled. In addition, it gives you insight on how each individual should be approached to encourage participation.​

    • Find out how much time and effort each person is willing and able and willing to contribute. This will help you establish relistic expectations and help you understand each person's circumstances so you can be supportive and gracious to their personal lives.

    • Ask how each team member is doing. A team that works together is much more productive than a collection of people that work separately. The fastedst way to glue a team together is to let them know that you care about them.

    • Be clear, decisive, and organized. Delegating tasks not only ensures that e3verything gets done, but also clearly outlines exactly who is responsible for each task. This has two advantages: (1) when a task is falling behind schedule, the team can reinforce the members assigned to that task; (2) each member gains a sense of ownership over their task which increases motivation to get it done.


Mentor: Lucas Reynoso

Collaborators: Bao Le, Ethan Hertanto, Earl Gomez, Emmanual Moreno Jaime, Cade Duncan, Paola Martinez, Jocelyn Mata, Neil Nguyen

Project Gallery

Concept of Operations

Concept of Operations

Created by Eliya Pelton using Affinity Design



Created by Bao Le using SolidWorks

Block Diagram of ACRE

Block Diagram of ACRE

Created by Eliya Pelton using

Selected Cave Destination

Selected Cave Destination

Image captured by Eliya Pelton using JMARS

Calibration & Testing Plan

Calibration & Testing Plan

Created by Eliya Pelton using

Selected Mission Destination

Selected Mission Destination

Image captured by Eliya Pelton using JMARS

Stress Test

Stress Test

Generated by Bao Le using SolidWorks

CAD Design of System

CAD Design of System

Created by Bao Le using SolidWorks

Team Org Chart

Team Org Chart

Created by Eliya Pelton using Affinity Design

Certificate of Completion

Certificate of Completion

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